Life at Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd

You get chance to know Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd from inside out and its history. You get the chance to know every project and people behind each project. You come to know the way of working. Engineering is the core service for Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. We look for technical talent and ability to accept challenges candidates.

At Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd, you work with the intricacy of projects every day and your innovative-creative solution add value to our company. Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd believes that everything is possible. It is ready to accept challenges. It believes in innovation. You can experience the innovative works, challenges, and engineering.

Fresh Graduates:

Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd is the frontest runner & organized company in the engineering consultancy services business. It has 30 years of experience that is an archive of expertise and technology. Working at Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd is a golden opportunity to learn several positive connotations for candidates.

How do this 30 years of experience become an archive of expertise? Well, Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd helps the fresh engineers to increase their engineering knowledge and innovative ideas. It is a window for young and fresh engineers to sharp their engineering talent and show to the world.

Experienced Professionals:


Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd, we select people who are ready to accept challenges and bring diversification in works. We welcome people who are really multitalented and have a long-term career goal. At Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd, it is more about building a career goal for you over the long term.


Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd is a team of talented players who guarantee expectations on time and propels individuals. We search for four characteristics of our candidates.
1) Management
2) Leadership
3) Functional Expertise
4) Problem Solving Abilities

We have a way to find out these attributes and management patterns. We look forward to working with you over the long term.


Our HR team works closely with the candidates and the various business sectors within Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd to match the right candidate with the right profile. We don’t take too much time to select right candidates because we have the best selection process.

At Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd, the diversification of our trade gives the edge from a candidate’s aspect. The applicant searches for best opportunities made available through cross-movement of people across our diversification business branches.

Ray Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd is proud to give an opportunity to achieve your goal.

Interested candidates please Send Your Resume at [email protected]