
Rail transport is also known as train transport. It is one of the most important, commonly used and very cost effective modes of commuting and goods carriage overlong, as well as, short distances. Railroads have isolate tracks for continuous development which achieves rapid. Constant designing exploration and information are creating railroad framework with higher speed also with higher haulage limit. It has required analysis and redesign of track work and existing railway bridges. Railway tracks have to move along plain and rolling country as well as in hilly terrains. The long journey requires railway tracks, bridges, and tunnels to cross wide rivers, and mountain. Different kinds of railway bridges require technical attention, erection methodology, construction, and innovative design.

RIPL has completed hundreds of new track planning projects throughout the nation. Our multi-disciplined team of project managers, engineers, and technical field crews provide the experience and capability to support track planning projects of all sizes and complexities. We have the experience needed to take a comprehensive view of the project to maximize efficiencies, and schedule impacts and deliver projects on-time.

RIPL worked for Western Railway. Railway projects require experts and innovative ideas to complete the project because it’ all projects are big and complex. RIPL. Ltd had worked Western Railway with the expert’s engineers, management’s team, and planners. RIPL has experience of 30 years in the field of engineers and project management.

RIPL has experienced designing railway track work and permanent way, high embankments with slope stability analysis, bridges, associated railway infrastructure like station buildings, locomotive sheds, water supply, electrical services, plants for production of railway accessories.

RIPL has done many projects such as Track work, Railway Station Buildings, Railway Plants & other Infrastructure, and Railway Bridges.


  1. Track work
  2. Railway crossing structure, Railway station building, Railway plants and other infrastructure
  3. Railway bridges
  4. Dedicated freight corridor