
Transport infrastructure is one of the most important factors for a country’s progress. Although India has a large and diverse transport sector with its own share of challenges, they can be overcome by energy-efficient technologies and customer-focused approach. One cannot overemphasize the importance of transportation than call it the ‘lifeline’ of a nation. It has been proven by so many instances how transport infrastructure has added speed and efficiency to a country’s progress. Good physical connectivity in the urban and rural areas is essential for economic growth. India, the seventh largest nation with over a billion population, has one of the largest transport sectors.

The trend of urbanization and fast development of populace and vehicular movement in congested urban areas have made execution of Rapid Transit System (RTS) basic. Development of Metro Rail, as a feature of RTS, has turned out to be basic for smooth, contamination free transportation and quick development. Metro Rail moves in committed tracks, going underground or overground, dodging activity interference through isolation with higher conveying limit and does not heave out harmful vapor. Thinking about these favorable circumstances, after Kolkata and Delhi, more urban communities in India are proceeding with the establishment of Metro Rail Transport.


  1. Elevated viaduct
  2. Elevated station
  3. Underground station
  4. Tunnel
  5. Underground crossover